Spiral of Forgotten Intimacies - electronic sound collage [2017]
Signs and Wonders - electronic sound collage [2014]
Everything Potent is Dangerous - electronic sound collage for a modern dance (a collaboration with choreographer Amanda Hinchey) [2011]
community : ratio - electronic sound collage for a modern dance (a collaboration with choreographer Mari Meade Montoya) [2010]
Prominent City / Invisible Body - electronic sound collage for a modern dance (a collaboration with choreographer Allison Cave) [2009]
In Cauda Venenum (The Poison is in the Tail) - for oboe and electronic sounds [2008]
A Man of Twists and Turns - for string quartet [2008]
Building a Bouncier Bounce - for orchestra (intended for a grade school audience) [2008]